Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What is the best chess playing software on the market?

After some research, there seem to be two main programs: Chessmaster and Fritz.

What's the best software or what are the pros and cons of each package?

What is the best chess playing software on the market?
Chessmaster is geared more for the novice and beginning chess player, with lots of teaching and training tools that can help you elevate your game to average club player strength. It has a large number of personalities of varying playing strengths so that you can always have an opponent at your level.

Fritz is geared more for the serious to professional player, with superior database functions, game analyzing functions and higher level training aids..

Fritz will run you close to $50 but you can pick up Chessmaster 10 for under $30

you can download a free trial version of Chessmaster at the following link.

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Reply:i think majestic chess is great because you learn and play chess in a great adventure. this game isnt neither chessmaster or fritz. fritz is awesome though

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Reply:um, how come this is under "Board Games"?

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